Sunday, 25 September 2011

Charles Maxwell - Energy Analyst

I found this video following the links from somebody who was following Ron Hosen, a value investor that I have a considerable amount of respect for. Charles Maxwell is an energy analyst and in a fascinating interview discusses his views and opinions on oil and energy. One of the things that Charles Maxwell does is to look at the number of barrels of reserves that a company has and the cost (in share price) for those reserves. So $100 dollars will on the one had get you 7 barrels of oil if you buy at Exxon, or 44 barrels if you buy at Suncorp. As time goes on we should see the price of oil rise which makes the extraction costs less important - so you should see a greater uplift in a company like Suncorp. Also being Canadian it is oil in a very stable economic setting. Another company that Charles likes is Cenovus also a Canadian oil sands company but with lower reserves per dollar.

Charles Maxwell covers a lot in the video - and it is well worth listening to.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Tom Gardner - Value Investor

This is an excellent interview with Tom Gardner the founder of the motley fool. Interestingly he stresses, amongst other things, the importance of a good company culture. The interview can be found here.