Sunday 8 May 2011

Ed Catmul - Pixar (Great Interview)

Generally I post videos of investors or managers - that give me insight to specific points that are sort of investment related. I post them amongst other things because I use my blog as a record of things that I am interested in and can refer back to. A couple of weeks ago I was looking for that great video with Ed Catmul and could not find it.

So this video by Ed Catmul is just a really good video. It tracks the change of Pixar from being a company that produced software to a company that produces (primarily) animated films - the growing pains, the issues and how they were solved. It is a really excellent video and shows some really good management. Good management has undefinable qualities - I seem to remember somebody one saying "I don't know how to define obesity - but I know when I see it" - there is a lot of good management (I can see it) and good learning in this video. Enjoy!

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