I came accross this interview with Don Yacktman (Yacktman Asset Management Co) on Bloomberg. Don is a value investor with a long time horizon. He has the kind of style that like. Particular favorites of Don are Microsoft, Pepsico and Newscorp. Interestingly some of the same stocks are held by
Terry Smith's Fundsmith Fund. For me I am also intrigued that he sees value in Research in Motion (RIM). To me RIM seems to have good cash-flow, seems to be damn cheep, and to be deeply hated. I don't hold RIM as it seems to lack any kind of predictability that I can see - but I do hold the temptation. Temptation is always cheaper than regret. I would also say that I don't hold any Newscorp - it is not a company that I like. It is not a company that treats its shareholders as owners - that does not mean that there is no value there or that it is not a good buy, or that I pretend to know more than Don Yacktman (I certainly don't) it just means that I don't like it and I would rather invest in something else.

If you can fight through the advertising you can find details of his top holdings
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